To Sparkle Punch...

High Five for Friday: June 17


Hi friends! Thanks for stopping by—I’m so glad you’re here! 😁

Let’s see what brought the sparkle this week!

  • This little guy I added to my work desk! I was going to put it in my room, but NO, I NEED THIS IN MY FACE ALL THE TIME. It’s a pretty perfect reminder for someone who feels scared of most things! 😁

I could not photograph the back well, clearly, but it says, “When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine”!! ☀️☀️

  • A cute Monday outfit!

Monday was the rare occasion where I had to leave the house during the day, so I decided to “dress up,” aka wear jorts. (I was going to the dentist, and I’m sure they really cared! 😂) I also had my little Rebecca Minkoff crossbody, which always makes me think of Mica! 😍💖

  • A Wednesday off for some baseball with Pops!

It was a gorgeous, sunny day (especially because we were in the shade!), my fave was there, and it ended with another crazy walk-off!

Luke! ❤️

We’ve now been there for two of Stubbs’ three home runs, LOL! His audition to be my new rando fave Phillie is going v well.

  • Lastly, a meme for our times. Truly, WHAT IS GOING ON? (Also, how did that song come out 30 years ago?!? 🤯🤯)

What put the sparkle in your week? ✨

Happy Friday! xoxo

Friday Favorites: Paying off my car!


Hi friends! Thanks for stopping by—I’m so glad you’re here! 😁

This week, I made my last payment on my car! 🤯 As “normal” as that sounds, it is truly monumental!

1.) I didn’t know that I would ever be able to tolerate driving. I got my license in 2005 but never really used it because, terrified. When my first therapist got wind of this in 2015, she urged me to do exposure therapy. Turns out, that framework was exactly what I needed to confront such a massive fear. 

(I was blogging at the time, so you can check out the “exposure therapy” tag for more info on my experience!)

2.) I really struggle to make big decisions or commitments. I am a “pay month to month” type of gal. But when I finished exposure therapy in June 2015, logically, I needed a car so I could keep up the progress I’d made. It’s not like I suddenly loved driving, though. I could tolerate it, but… what if I just stopped driving again? Except, now I owned a car? I didn’t want to look like a failure. I didn’t want to make a (very expensive) mistake. 🎶Hello, shame, my old friend.🎶

In theory, if a decision stops feeling aligned, I could just make changes accordingly. The problem is that shame shouts that down with “you made your bed” type messaging.

2016 Jess is kind of my hero because she felt all the fear and uncertainty, and heard all those messages from shame, and she bought a car anyway. She was able to take a leap of faith, and not from some zen, enlightened state, but in spite of all her fears.

I couldn’t know in 2016 that I would be working from home full-time from 2020 on—or that the world would shut down and I’d barely even be leaving the house. Thank goodness I didn’t know, because that would have just fed into my fears. Yes, my work situation (and the world) have completely changed... but so have I. And I’ve survived. I have no regrets about getting my car, even though I don’t use it nearly as much as I once did, even though driving is still not my favorite thing. (Actually, I’m quite anxious again because of how little I’ve gone out these past two years—though I’m anxious as driver and as a passenger this time around, which is fun. I’m basically the guy in Schitt’s Creek who’s afraid of car horns. 🙈)

But I know I need to keep up with driving, because, while I may not love it, I do love the freedom that comes with it. Driving blew open the possibilities for my life, from finally having a reasonable commute (for four years!) to doing Yoga Teacher Training and retreats an hour+ away. 

I need more possibilities in my life. Here’s to more possibilities and less shame and fear! 💖💖

What put the sparkle in your week? ✨

Happy Friday! xoxo

Linking up with Andrea and Erika over at Friday Favorites!

Friday Favorites: Flowers every day!


Hi friends! Thanks for stopping by—I’m so glad you’re here! 😁

It dawned on me that I never shared the pics from this recent trip to the botanical garden, so here we go! Every day is an occasion for flowers, right? 😁

(Did I have to look up most of these in PlantSnap because I am The Worst at identifying all of the botanical things I love? Perhaps. 🙈)

Let’s start with a bang: my favorite flower of the day! This lavender/light blue beauty:

Miraculously, I did correctly ID it as a delphinium, but according to its sign, it’s also known as “guardian lavender.”


(Breath of the Wild has forever ruined the word “guardian” for me. 😵😂)

I had a literal field day in this bright little garden! The fountain shows nearby were the big attraction, which worked out well for me because I couldn’t care less about a fountain but do love an empty garden!

Give me a variegated leaf, and I’ll give you the world!

This deep plummy color! 😍 PlantSnap tells me this is a rhododendron, which sounds right because I knew it was a bushy spring flower I enjoy, I just can never tell rhododendrons and azaleas apart.

Give me a variegated flower and I’ll also give you the world! 😂

Another fun plummy flower that I see every year and can never identify! (Apparently, it’s a lupine!)

Ooh, this pretty peach color! This seems to be a “canna lily”—whatever that is! 😂

Lastly, I very much enjoyed these beautiful lavender trees! PlantSnap tells me they’re Empress trees, which is an A+ name. Bonus that they matched my shirt! 😁💜

So even though there was no formal Flower Walk, I still found some flower friends and wasn’t smote by allergies—the makings of a fine day! 💖

What put the sparkle in your week? ✨

Happy Friday! xoxo

Linking up with Andrea and Erika over at Friday Favorites!

High Five for Friday: May 27


Hi friends! Thanks for stopping by—I’m so glad you’re here! 😁

As I mentioned when I started doing these posts again, I feel so weird posting fun sparkly things while the world is falling apart more and more all the time. But I’m trying to keep this practice going because finding the sparkle and channeling it into a creative outlet has been good for my mental health. This week in particular, I’ve been thinking of the quote, “When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.” I can’t stop these horrible, soul-crushing things from happening (…every few days, it seems… 😣), but these posts are an escape from my own anxiety and despair, and I hope they can be that for you too. 💖

  • Let’s start with some literal sparkle! Painting my nails is a small thing with big mood-boosting payoff—especially when I’ve got super fun colors from Holo Taco to play with! This is Frozen Benanas, and no picture does the flaky gold justice. 😍

  • I try not to spend a ton of time on social media these days, but for some reason I was compelled to make my first Instagram reel last Friday, and the process was such a delight!! After taking pictures on a flower walk, I literally sat on the floor for an hour putting it together, totally in a creative flow state. Flower pics + “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover”?? What’s not to love?! Now we can all go on a flower walk together! 😁

  • On Sunday, I got to go to the Phillies-Dodgers game! It was a somewhat meh game until the last few innings—then there were runs and errors and flubs on both sides. BANANAS. The Phils did win in the 10th, and I love that their rando bottom of the order guys got it done. Their back-up catcher was pretty much player of the game, a fine audition to become my 2022 random Phillie to love. 😂 I also love that Alec Bohm continued his villain-to-hero arc with the game-winning hit. (Although I guess it’s not technically a hit because it ended up being a Dodger error??) I had zero interest in Alec Bohm last year, but he is definitely growing on me since 1.) cursing out the city of Philadelphia (haven’t we all been there?? 😂) and 2.) owning it after the game.

VICTORY! Tag yourself, I’m Garrett Stubbs (top right, hands on the head) 😂

  • The game was its own fun creative outlet because I took lots of pics! Pops got the tickets and, as you can see, our seats were great. (As my mom says, “Pops don’t get out of bed for less than the Hall of Fame Club!” 😂😂) We were on the Dodgers side behind home plate, and I luckily got some decent shots of Pops’ fave, Chris Taylor, even though he only had one at-bat!

clearly I got a little carried away with the zoom 😂

And I love the glow in Jean Segura’s shades here!

  • Lastly, and sorry this is a baseball blog today apparently, but I’ve been meaning to share this hilariously well-placed ad from the Phils-Mariners game a few weeks ago. Kyle Schwarber, hello, hello!

As Nicole pointed out, Tom Nook always looks like he’s done with everything—and that’s not unlike Philly sports fans. 😂🤷🏼‍♀️

Where did you find the sparkle this week? Or was it just not happening? It be like that sometimes. 💖✨

Happy Friday! xoxo

Linking up with Andrea and Erika over at Friday Favorites! (And continuing to call this H54F even though that link-up is defunct, haha.)

Friday Favorites: Flowers and... cleaning?


Hi friends! Thanks for stopping by—I’m so glad you’re here! 😁

This week has been pretty good, with two main sources of sparkle! 

The first is, well, not very exciting—cleaning! I’ve been cleaning out my bedroom as part of this week’s Life Edit prompt (physical spaces). At first, I felt a lot of resistance, much more than with last week’s Digital Edit. I think it’s because, even if a digital mess gets “messier” while you attempt to clean it up, you can avoid that mess simply by closing your laptop! I knew that certain areas of my bedroom weren’t working for me, but it seems I’m fine with keeping things meh, even if they could be better, if it means I don’t have to deal with the mess and uncertainty of the in-between before the “better.” 


Once I got going, it felt really good to move out old stuff I just don’t need/use/wear and create more space in my room—not to mention reorganize things in a way that makes sense for 2022 me (like separating out-of-season clothes in bins under my bed and decluttering/rearranging my woefully overstuffed bookshelf!). Though my room isn’t 100% yet, it’s much much better. I’m proud of myself for making a big dent on Sunday despite my resistance, and for continuing to chip away in smaller increments throughout the week!

Did I shove all this stuff to one side of my bed so I could nap on the other? Yes, yes I did. 😬

(I’m also proud that I gave myself a break on Sunday morning when I just did not want to work on this! Normally, I would have forced myself to keep going because I hadn’t “earned” a break yet, but instead I journaled, watched some TV, and took a nap. I still didn’t want to clean after that, LOL, but at least I felt somewhat more up for it!)

The second source of sparkle this week comes from taking Wednesday off to go to the botanical garden! I’m still going through my pics (I brought my DSLR this time!), but this semi-meta one is a fave.

Honestly, I felt so cute with this lil braid! 🤩 (I never do cute things with my hair!) Just cute hair + mascara alone boosted my mood quite a bit before I even got to the flowers! And that’s good because the Flower Walk was in transition again. 😩 Luckily, there were smaller gardens to creep in, like the one above! And it was an absolutely gorgeous, sunny, breezy day! Breaking up the work week with a fun day out was just good for the soul, you know? 💖

What put the sparkle in your week? ✨

Happy Friday! xoxo

Linking up with Andrea and Erika over at Friday Favorites!