Let’s see what brought the sparkle this week!
- I finally put together the $1 Spot letter board I bought months ago! (Thank you Lisa for reminding me about this!) The quote is from one of my favorite poems: "In Memoriam" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. I like to use it to remind me of the presence of a higher power.
- Friday was another night of dancing, so I stayed over in Reading and went to a yoga class Saturday morning. One of my YTT friends also came to the class, and not only was it lovely to see her, but she brought me a crazy-delicious cookie! I think I'd like yoga classes better if they were always followed by cookies tbh, haha. Another perk of Saturday was the GORGEOUS weather! Sunny and 80! It was a beautiful day to catch up with a few of my Nova friends in Philly in the afternoon.
~casual penitentiary shots~
- On Sunday, I woke up totally anxious. Like, sweating and full-on panicked. How do you just wake up in that state?! Was I having a nightmare? I don't even know. I hadn't been planning on going to yoga (even though I usually do on Sundays), but once I woke up feeling like that, I was like, "NOPE you need yoga, sister!" and signed myself up. The class was taught by a different teacher than usual, and she had us do tree pose in a circle, pressing into each other's hands for balance. I've talked before about how I'm not a huggy/touchy person, so I was not thrilled with this idea. But it turned out to be really cool to use other people for support in that way, and I definitely needed to feel more supported/grounded amid my anxiety. The class also ended with a like 10 minute savasana, which is always fine by me! 😂
- I found a new phone case at Five Below, and I’m in love with the tranquil colors, marble-y look, and geometric gold accents... and the price tag. 👌🏻
- Lastly, I’ve started getting up a little earlier in the morning to either get small things done (which makes me feel more accomplished for the whole day) or to watch an energizing YouTube video or two. I’m really feeling Kalyn Nicholson right now--I just love her vibe and attitude!
Hope you have a great weekend! xo