Loving: My closet. Growing up, I had a bedroom closet in name only. Its doors were off-track, and I couldn't reach the lone shelf, so it became filled with stuff I never used (like baby shoes and old stuffed animals wut), while my actual clothes were kept in the basement (which made no sense). Luckily, when my dad got my room re-painted this summer, he also had the contractor lower the shelf and put in a legit rod and TA-DA! A functional closet! Oh happyyyy dayyyyy.
<3 <3 <3
Watching: I can't believe I'm saying this, but Dancing with the Stars. I'm totally Team Sadie and Mark. She is precious, and he's so sweet with her. Aww. Not to mention their flawless dance skills, although I'm jealous of pretty much everyone on the show's dancing. I love to dance, but I've only taken one dance class in my life, and that was because I thought it would fulfill my undergrad art requirement. (Spoiler: it didn't.)
Listening to: Lorde, "Team." On repeat. It's so soothing and perfectly suited to going through tons of data at work! Who knew? Oh, and Dire Straits' "Money for Nothing" because that opening riff is perfection. (That's the way you do it, you play the gee-tar on the MTV.)
Reading: Still Women Who Love Too Much lol. I've been sleeping on the train lately instead of reading. #priorities
Working on: Trying not to buy everything in sight! I had exceeded my monthly shopping budget by November 5! Eek! Luckily, I'm back in the black again thanks to some returns, but I've been seriously falling in love with everything I see. IT'S TERRIBLE.
Also, an update on last month's budget: I had to return the (gorge) Chloe and Isabel stacking rings because they were too big, and I couldn't get them resized. Sigh. Luckily, I was able to exchange them for a lovely necklace, and I can't wait for it to arrive! Btw my friend Jess, Chloe and Isabel merchandiser extraordinaire, is amazing, not to mention hilarious and someone you immediately want to be best friends with, so I highly recommend picking up some holiday gifts from her if you're in the market for jewels!