To Sparkle Punch...

What I Wore Wednesday: Casual cat


When I was in Chicago, Timmi introduced me to the Stay Home Club. She picked up their "Happy Alone" tee at Renegade, and I got the shirt below, which is billed on their website as "Casual cat." How hilarious! So that's what the shirt has been known as ever since. (Case in point: when I sent Timmi a pic of this outfit, her reaction was "Casual cat!!!") Because said cat looks pretty hefty, "casual cat" has also become a unit of measurement, as in "Sharkey, Chuck, and Ike would weigh 1.5 Casual Cats!" :D

Tee: Stay Home Club (omg sold out! 2015)

Jacket: Gap (2011?)

Skirt: Old Navy (2015)

Booties: Madden Girl (2012) 

Necklace: Chloe+Isabel (2015)

Headband: J. Crew (2010) 

Watch: Target

Bracelets: Lokai and I have no idea

Tights: ancient

Tasteful cat lady chic, right?! :)

Tasteful cat lady chic, right?! :)

I do deClaire
pleated poppy