To Sparkle Punch...

Capsule update + 10 things you probably don't know about me


Thanks for the idea, Fran! :)

(Unfortunately, it looks like very few of the pieces I'm sporting below are still available. Rats. I did note them, though.)

  • I've broken two bones in my life: my foot last summer, and my thumb when I was five. (It got caught in the car door in the parking lot of Clover, on the day I was supposed to get a Water Baby. *cries*)
  • Logos really freak me out, especially outdated, like, '80s ones. Bradlees has been at the top of that list since I was a kid. The font is so sinister! I still can't look at it, to this day.
Channeling spring! Hurry up and get here! 

Channeling spring! Hurry up and get here! 

Merona fair isle sweater (exact on clearance, but in red only) | Rocksbox necklace

Merona fair isle sweater (exact on clearance, but in red only) | Rocksbox necklace

Merona waterfall cardigan (exact on clearance!) | Rocksbox necklace

Merona waterfall cardigan (exact on clearance!) | Rocksbox necklace

  • I didn't get my ears pierced until I was 19, and I didn't tell my parents about it beforehand (...because they didn't answer their phones). It is one of my very few "rebellious" acts ;)
  • I cried after the finale of HIMYM. ("How can The Mother be deaaaaad?!")
Yay, outside!!

Yay, outside!!

Baggu canvas duck bag (exact) | Nails: Sally Hansen Triple Shine in Red Snapper

Baggu canvas duck bag (exact) | Nails: Sally Hansen Triple Shine in Red Snapper

  • I didn't get a cell phone until I was 18 (and a half!) and interning in Philly. 
  • I was an avid watcher of General Hospital in seventh and eighth grade and still love Lucky and Liz (Jonathan Jackson and Rebecca Herbst). <3 <3
  • When I was visiting colleges as a high school senior, I was considering becoming an English/Chem double major and minoring in Russian. WUT. (Yeah, that didn't happen!)
Mossimo V-neck tee (exact&nbsp;on sale!) | Beanie (exact)

Mossimo V-neck tee (exact on sale!) | Beanie (exact)

  • Lilo and Stitch is one of my favorite Disney movies. My bffl and I quote it all the time. ("I'm the one they call when things go wrong... and things have DEFINITELY gone wrong!")
  • I was a huge gymnastics fan as a kid (Lilia Podkopayeva 4ever) and actually took gymnastics classes that culminated in tumbling routines at Vet Stadium!
  • The first book I ever read by myself was Duncan and Dolores, in which a spunky little girl smothers her new cat with so much affection that he hides from her and favors her sister instead. A PREDICTION OF MY FUTURE. *wailing emoji*
Mossimo V-neck tee (exact on sale!)

Mossimo V-neck tee (exact on sale!)

Fabletics purchases before a foam roller class

Fabletics purchases before a foam roller class

Baseball top (exact) |&nbsp;Boots (exact) | Beanie (exact)

Baseball top (exact) | Boots (exact) | Beanie (exact)