After having Monday off, I had no idea what day of the week it was at any point, so HEY FRIDAY, what a lovely surprise! :) Here are some things that put the sparkle into my week:
- While this weekend wasn't bad, I struggle with days off (unless I'm traveling or something). Being out of my routine leads to the dreaded FEELS, and Labor Day was no exception. B took care of me, but I've also been carrying this gal around, as a reminder that it is ok to feel sad--that we need to feel sad sometimes. <3
Ride, ride, ride, hitchin' a ride
- I actually felt quite ill on Labor Day but thought getting out of the house would help. (It did emotionally, not so much physically!) B and I wandered around Old City parks, saw the Liberty Bell from afar, popped into Ben Franklin's printing shop, and were regaled with tales of Washington's army. And, as is usually the case with me, we went on an unintentional flower tour of Philadelphia! :)
You would think I would know what some of these flowers are by now, but nope, I had to send these pics to my mom for identification purposes LOL
- Something momentous did occur over the long weekend: I got all caught up on Game of Thrones!! I watched the entire series in just four months (that is pretty quick for me!). I'm so sad it's over, even though season 5 was super depressing GEEZ. Well, aside from this catty moment of brilliance:
- I tried something new this month and wrote out my goals on the white board in my bedroom, so I could actually see them regularly and not be like "doyeee" when I rediscover them at the end of the month and then irrationally feel bad for not doing any of them.
After two English degrees, I have a really hard time reading for fun. (FUN what's that?!) That's why the GoT goal is up there, not because the book is roughly a million pages long.
- Finally, a note from Famous Cats in History: I love Carole King's Tapestry but somehow never noticed the LARGE TABBY in the foreground of the cover (I blame the image being so tiny on my iPod) until watching The Seventies at a Labor Day BBQ. Obviously, this warranted immediate research. Did you know that said cat was Carole King's own cat, Telemachus?! (What an awesome name for a cat!) The photographer spotted the sleeping cat and brought him into the shot... but he only lasted about three takes. Aww!
Meow money meow problems
Have a great weekend!! xo