Well great, now "Part of Your World" is stuck in my head. Fun fact: it's the only song I've ever karaoked solo!
I have this condition that some of you may share... ye olde stranger danger. Considering I take 8 modes of Septa A DAY, I spend a lot of time with a lot of strangers. So I do a million little things to avoid contact. I wear headphones, I walk fast, I ignore pretty much anyone trying to get my attention, and all of the above is usually accompanied by resting bitch face. I may seem and look rude, but honestly, I'm terrified. My worldview is generally dark and scary, and I think that everyone wants to hurt me. When people approach me, especially in the city, I can feel my adrenaline start rushing. My anxiety has taken my dad's lectures on "city smarts" to an almost pathological degree.
So you can see why Emily's December prompt to "pay bliss forward" was a bit of an issue, you know, with my fear of people and all. *insert crying while laughing emoji*
I didn't do anything dramatic with this prompt, but it really did make me more mindful of other people amid the holiday rush. I used it as a reminder to stop and hold doors in the train station and to make some cheery small talk in the elevator at the doctor's office. When I took the two seconds to see if someone was behind me on my way out of Nordstrom Rack, I wound up holding the door for a girl who was carrying a million bags. She was super appreciative and joked about how she had procrastinated on her Christmas shopping. It's amazing how one tiny act of kindness from us can be so helpful to another person and just light them up. Something to keep in mind so that I'm not afraid of everyone in 2016 ;)