I'm starting to feel more like my usual wacky, can't-sit-still self, hooray! :) Here's what put the sparkle in my week (aside from the warmer weather!):
- Since I wasn't ready to be emotionally destroyed by Grey's again, B and I turned to Gilmore Girls last weekend instead. I was still sort of meh about GG, but the scene with Rory and Dean in the junkyard as John Lennon's "Oh My Love" is playing might have me converted. It's just so darn cute (well, until it goes off the rails), and I don't even like Rory or Dean! (I pretty much was Rory in high school, and Dean is usually a snooze. So much so that when Christopher showed up on his motorcycle, I got all excited because I thought it was Jess. LOL DANG.)
Oh, and Rory kitten-sat in one of the episodes, which certainly didn't hurt! :)
- I'm not great at doing monthly "challenges," as I get overwhelmed just thinking about doing/documenting X for a whole month, BUT! I've been joining in on Kara's February #RockYourHandwriting challenge, and it's been really fun! I expected it to be interesting because I'm a handwriting nerd, but it's been a nice creative outlet too because the prompts are so broad. Here are my responses to the first three days' assignments ("Your Name," "Before," and "5 Facts about Me")!
What an odd assortment of characters, haha! George and Zoey would be saving all the people that Ygritte shoots with her arrows nbd.
- So ever since my great success last year at find an amazing pair of Citizens of Humanity skinnies at Buffalo Exchange, I've been on the hunt for other high-end jeans second-hand. WELL, last weekend, I found two pairs at Plato's Closet for around $30 total!!!! Both are dark-wash skinnies, one from Madewell and one from Paige Denim, which would each retail for over $100. *insert screaming emoji here* They're soft and substantial and comfy and perfect. Thrifting ftw! (Bonus that I had a 20% off coupon AND got $6 for trading in a pair of boots I never wear!)
- My dad was in the city visiting a friend on Wednesday, so I met up with him after EMDR... and got to play with his friend's three cats!! Including this adorable tabby, who I never see because she always hides when company is over! She even let me pet her! ...although her cat brother tried to horn in on the petting and she slapped him! Cat drama! I was like, "Whoa, I can pet everyone, nobody panic!" lol #allyourcatsarebelongtome
HIIIIII new best friend <3 <3
- Lastly, this song came on as I was on the subway after EMDR, and it reminded me why I'm seeing three therapists and reading self-help books and going to yoga and doing all of the things that can sometimes feel like a pain in the ass... ultimately, I want to get better, and not live dictated by my anxiety, depression, and avoidance of things that scare me. OHHH that! *lightbulb lights* ;)
PS- If you haven't seen the cutest video of Emily over at Ember Grey dancing to some awesome 90s-2000s jams, check it out because it totally brightened my Monday! :)
That's a wrap! Have a great weekend, lovelies! xo