There was lots of sparkle this week, thanks to my birthday trip to Chicago!! Despite having no set plans, Timmi and I did a million things! Here's what happened (complete with a ton of pictures #sorrynotsorry):
- On my birthday (last Sunday), Timmi and I were going to bop between neighborhoods and hit up various donut places. That got off to an excellent start... but then we passed people selling tickets for a double-decker bus tour of Chicago, and we threw that into the mix too!
Timmi actually MADE SHIRTS for our donut crawl!! (This is what happens when you have artsy friends!) Her original vision was to make a sigil like on Game of Thrones, but someone said that it looked like a police badge, which turned the theme into "Law and Donuts." Hence the bad-ass faces above.
Four days of donuts! Do-Rite, Firecakes, Stan's, and Glazed and Infused.
Bus tour selfie!
That damn Marina City! (Timmi had been racking her brain trying to remember the name of it before the tour guide clued us in!)
- Inspired by our random bus tour, we just as randomly decided to go to the Lincoln Park Conservatory and Zoo afterward! Timmi valiantly tried to find me a cat, but the Sand Cat was asleep and totally disinterested in us. (Womp.) The magical birthday celebration ended with guac and Grey's. <3
Haaaaaay giraffe.
Casual sloth.
We were so intent on eating our donuts during the day that we totally forgot to put candles in them. So, birthday guac it is!
- On Monday, we went to the Garfield Park Conservatory and had tea at the Allis! I don't even like tea, but I agreed to go for the pretty desserts haha!
Like, come on. π #nofilter
We each got our own tiny teapots! The tea I picked was fruity and delicious, I must say!
Aforementioned pretty desserts. (That macaron had some sort of berry jam filling that was off the chain!)
- Naturally, we followed our tea party with a baseball game. (WUT) The bus tour had made me want to do more stereotypically Chicago things, and I had never been to a Cubs game before, so I started looking into Cubs tickets afterward. Monday was the only night of my trip that they were in town, so we went then, and the Cubs won in 13 innings! It was a great game to see in such an iconic stadium!
Timmi is not a sports person, like at all, so I was surprised that she was totally down to go to a game... and to get appropriate shirts at Target beforehand (like literally an hour beforehand)! Don't we blend in so well? ;)
- On Tuesday, after sleeping in to recover from our late night with the Cubs, we went to the Art Institute. I somehow always forget how much I enjoy art museums until I'm there. For my birthday, Timmi actually made me a tunic (!!) in material with an impressionist-inspired print, so of course I had to wear that to the Art Institute! (You can see a little of it in the last picture below, but there will be more pictures of it in next week's What I Wore Wednesday post!)
Marc Chagall's America Windows (which you might recognize from Ferris Bueller's Day Off!).
Sometimes, art gives me all the feels.
Timmi was KILLING IT with her art snaps.
Neko Atsume: Museum Edition
Whew, what a week! This weekend, in addition to catching up on sleep, I'm hoping to get back to blog reading and responding to comments! Happy (long) weekend everybody!! xo