Let's see what put the sparkle into this week!
- Saturday was a very social day for this hermit! First up was a lovely brunch with Deena, my South Philly roommate and Sasha's owner!
- Then former roommate #2, Paulina (my college roommate), came over and took me to The Cheesecake Factory for a belated birthday dinner! Yay for redhead reunions!
- For Disney Week on DWTS, Val and Victoria danced to music from Steamboat Willie!! It's no exaggeration to say that Pops and I were hype AF (unlike probably everyone else haha).
Mickey's whistling while steering the boat has always cracked Pops up, so now this movie has become synonymous with him. I actually have Mickey's whistling set as Pops's ringtone on my phone!
- I woke up in the middle of the night on Monday feeling super nauseous, bleh. So I sought medical attention in the form of Scrubs at 2:30 in the morning and used that to distract me into feeling better. And it actually worked! Hooray!
- And lastly, when your worlds collide!
I did actually have Grey's on when Yoga Anatomy arrived in the mail! If only Ellen Pompeo narrated that too...
Hope you have a great weekend! xo