May 31st was my one-year car-iversary!! Which is still slightly hard to believe given my previous fear of driving! (You can read about how I did exposure therapy for that here.)
I thought it might be fun to look at year one (and my history with driving overall) by the numbers, so here they are!
1: Number of tries it took me to get my license (...after many driving lessons)
19: Age at which I got my license
29: Age at which I bought my car
23: Age at which I first drove by myself
3: Months of exposure therapy
10: Months between ending exposure and buying a car (😮 totally did not anticipate that when I started exposure!)
Hop in, Calico Pinky!
28.8: Miles to work every day
21: Number of highway miles to work
5:50: Time I used to get up in the morning for my public transportation commute 😴
8:15: Time I usually get up now
2:10: Typical length of my commute via public transportation
:40: Typical length of my commute via car
1: Number of passengers I've had that are not related to me (shout-out to Kate Reynolds!)
66: Miles one way on my longest drive to date
14,976: Total miles driven in year 1 (+ two weeks)
1: Number of times I popped the hood instead of the gas tank 😂
1: Legitimate near-accidents (a number my scared-of-driving-self thought would be much higher!)
12: Months as a car owner 🎂
Even though I wasn't driving before 2015, I had always thought that I would drive eventually--just some time in the very distant future. So when I got the keychain above as a present at Ring Mass in high school, I put it away because it was so pretty that I only wanted to use it on my future car keys. Fast-forward to me finding it a few weeks ago and honoring my 17-year-old self's wishes by adding it to my car keys. ❤️ Those "someday" dreams can definitely come true.