Let's see what brought the sparkle this week!
- First of all:
I found out Cinnamon's real name! And her home!
I accidentally stumbled upon Cinnamon, her owner, and Brindle Pinky (apparently Cinny's housemate!) on Tuesday night and couldn't resist the chance to finally get some answers!
Cinnamon's real name is... Tina. TINA! I'm definitely going to try calling her that the next time she's snoozing at our house and see if that makes her love me. (For the record, she did come a-runnin' when she heard her owner's call!)
- All of that happened on Tuesday after I found out that I have my first cavity in 15 years! Wah! But I was determined not to wallow and went on a cat-and-flower recon walk after getting home from the dentist. There was a time not that long ago when I wallowed over EVERYTHING because everything felt like the end of the world. But it's not, thank goodness. And there's always plants and cats (or whatever YOU like lol) around to help you through it. ❤️
- Ok, let's backtrack now. On Saturday morning, I did my daily Calm meditation (!!) outside and then decided that I wanted go check out this pretty plant around the corner that I'd noticed the night before. So I just went! In my pajamas! (Which included the neon pink shorts at the bottom of this post, no less!) And I saw the pretty flowers and the world didn't end! I talk myself out of even the littlest things so easily, so this was 👌👌👌.
Phlox, said pretty flower!
- Speaking of flowers, our Rose of Sharon is starting to bloom! But note the location of the bloom. Yeah, the bush is right by our driveway, so I inevitably knock off a few side blooms every time I park. Smart plant.
- I was practically dozing off on my drive to Reading on Sunday, so I wanted to stop at Starbucks before driving home. I also ideally wanted to stop at Target for some drugstore-type things I had run out of. But I don't know where anything is in Reading (besides the Sheetz, natch #notDelco). Much to my delight, I discovered that there was a Target WITH A STARBUCKS ten minutes away! AND they had these sandals in my size (which I hadn't been able to find anywhere near me). Total win.
Hope you have a great weekend! xo