Let's see what brought the sparkle this week!
- On Saturday, I was reunited with one my grade school friends that I hadn't seen in eons for her LulaRoe launch party, and it was delightful! I didn't foresee buying a kimono, but hey, wonders never cease!
- We got our back door replaced last week, and all of our usual woodland visitors had since been MIA, so I was starting to worry that we had traumatized them. I was very relieved, then, when this little guy showed up!!
- Pops had me accompany him on a walk on Sunday, which is always a mistake because Pops likes to, you know, WALK, and I like to stop and gawk at every flower, cat, and bun we meet along the way. But there was a very necessary intermission when we stumbled upon these awesome sunflowers!
#basic 💁🏼
He loves me or he loves me not??
- My therapist had me take the Myers-Briggs test this week, which is always a fascinating thing #nerdalert. (Although I've taken it before at least three times and can never remember my results!) This time around, I'm an ISFJ (Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging), which seemed pretty darn accurate. And I came up 96% introverted, surprise! 😂
- Lastly, if you're all caught up on Game of Thrones, then you might enjoy these hilarious reactions to Sunday's episode!
Hope you have a great weekend! xo