Let’s see what put the sparkle into this week!
- Pudge and I had a glorious weekend together! It was SO NICE just to have my own space and be able to do my own thing! (I wonder if Pops felt the same way LOL!) I explored Maggie’s hood, delved further into my Artist of Life workbook, caught up with the Kardashians, planned a yoga class, worked on blog stuff, and napped! What a time!
- Pudge is such a sweetheart. She just snuggles right up to you, demands pets, and purrs like crazy. The last cat I watched was a kitten who really liked biting my hair and running around at 4 AM—so this was a nice change of pace! Pudge and I did so many exciting things together, like watching General Hospital and napping!
- In my shopping journey over the weekend, I made a few very exciting purchases, like picking up neroli oil at Whole Foods, and finding this cute journal AND BALLER PILL ORGANIZER at Marshalls! The pill organizer I had before was always opening and spilling in my bag, so I was legitimately pumped to find this one. (As you could probably tell from my Insta Stories, haha!)
living the dream
- I've been listening to '90s video game music at work lately, and I delved into some Link to the Past this week. Hearing this tune really took me back! If you have any good '90s video game suggestions, let me know, because I'm always looking for more jams!
- Lastly, Timmi sent me this. 💯💯 Oh JSTOR. Never change, except to become JORTS. 🙏🏻
Oh and is anyone else watching Grey’s/in a glass case of emotion over the preview for next week?!? DON’T DO THIS TO ME, SHONDA!
Preach, girl.
Hope you have a great weekend! xoxo