Let's see what brought the sparkle this week:
- On Friday night, I went to Recovery Yoga. The last time I was there, it was pretty AA heavy, which is fine—that Bill W. has some solid advice—but I felt out of place, even though it’s not limited to people with addiction issues. But this time around, it quickly turned into a discussion of all forms of therapy! EMDR came up, and I went full Lilo:
It's always so nice to find an outlet to talk with people who just ✨get it✨ you know?
- Last week was a doozy. But by Saturday (when I left Maggie's), I felt like I had grown. I had felt a lot of things, but being on my own (with my trusty emotional support cat, Pudge!) gave me the space to feel them, cope with them however *I* wanted to (which resulted in doing extra therapy, bugging Kristin, going to yoga, shopping with Karuna, and bingeing Happy Endings), do some scary vulnerable things, and ultimately reach an okay state. That was the motivation behind this post on Instagram, featuring a stalwart sunflower at Maggie's that seemed no worse for the wear even though it poured like every day last week:
- Speaking of shopping... I went a little nuts last week and weekend. 😬 I had been so good with curtailing my shopping lately that I’m feeling guilty. My birthday is at the end of the month, so I’m thinking of these as early birthday presents! 😉 First up, we have this Target shirt that was too on-brand for me to resist:
I'm documenting my outfits on Instagram this month, so you best believe this baby will be coming soon to an IG near you!
- And then I finally took the plunge with The Ordinary!
All of this cost $37! ($35 was free shipping, natch.) I had been wanting to try them for awhile, and my toner and serum happened to run out at the same time, and I wasn't too pleased with anything in my skincare routine (except for the Glossier Milky Jelly Cleanser, which I am still in love with). And when my life goes to pot, I usually start obsessing over the state of my skin! 😂 Everything is super affordable and targeted... the obvious downside being that you need a million separate products! Stay tuned...
- Lastly, I've been all about Fleetwood Mac this week. It started with "Go Your Own Way," then moved on to "You Make Loving Fun" (prompted by my reading up on songs featuring the clavinet, which is perfectly normal, right?), and then the floodgates opened. Most important, though, was my reacquantainace with the song "Sara." What a damn gorgeous song. I had just been complaining to Timmi (keeper of my Fleetwood Mac feels apparently) that Christine gets no love in favor of Stevie, and then "Sara" made me rethink my grudge. "Drowning in the sea of love where everyone would love to drown..." 😭😭😭
Hope you have a great weekend!