HELLO, friends! ❤️ I’m sorry I vanished again. I was just dealing with… a lot… over the summer, and once I get used to not posting, I have a really hard time getting myself back into it. But today I can say I’m back by popular demand, haha! Thanks Siobhan, Elizabeth, Korin, and Sue! (Especially Sue, my forever cheerleader and stand-in therapist!) Thanks for encouraging me and picking me up when I’m down! ❤️❤️
Now that’s it’s officially fall, why not talk about a few of my favorite things from the summer?
I got to stay with Pudge back in June, and you guys. This is monumental. SHE SAT IN MY LAP!!!! FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! I will probably never get over it, haha.
Our excitement levels were slightly different. 😂 She was purring, I swear!
She also later napped half in my lap, and I’m not over that either! 😭
She is such a sweet, intuitive little being. I had had a rough therapy session that day, and it’s like she knew. She even came in and sat with me during therapy. She’s just the best! ❤️😭
The Phillies
I like baseball well enough, which is good because Pops got MLB Extra Innings this year, and it’s been wall-to-wall baseball! And I may be the only person in Philadelphia whose depression was helped by the Phillies! 😂😂 I don’t usually follow them, but I started paying attention in June—specifically, the epic week the net fell down (LOL wut) and Luke Williams hit his walk-off home run. (When he teared up, I was done for. Emotional vulnerability is my love language.) Yes, the Phils are, ah, maddening, especially this past week, but it was so nice to have something to follow along with over the summer—I had forgotten what a lovely distraction sports are, and I really needed that while dealing with PMDD and regular depression.
Pops and I even got out to two games, so here is the obligatory shot of Bryce.
I first posted about Breath of the Wild back in February, not long after I’d started it, and it is really remarkable how little I’ve accomplished seven months later, haha. But here I am, still playing, and still loving it! The world is absolutely enormous, so all I do is wander around, check out all the sights, talk to all the people, and pick up every rock! (Clearly, I never would have beaten Ocarina of Time had it been an open-world game. 😂) Walking around and looking for Koroks and chests has become like an oddly calming nightly ritual. So I feel you, Frightened Townsperson!