Hi friends! Thanks for stopping by—I’m so glad you’re here! 😁
I am also so glad it’s the weekend—I’m exhausted this week, for no apparent reason. And I still have Christmas shopping to do. 😩 Well, here’s what brought the sparkle this week:
(FYI: I make a small commission for purchases or clicks made through links in this post.)
A treat yo self face mask on Saturday night, something I hadn’t done in forever. I had low expectations for this Elf Cookies ‘n Dreams mask (other than it smelling good), but my skin did actually feel quite soft afterward!
This incredibly soft, snuggly hoodie! Always here for the Y2K aesthetic, apparently. 😂
I had to laugh when I woke up to this sight on Sunday morning:
Happy to report this update! (And that Pops has gotten a new stand that actually fits such a small tree LOL.)
The forever vibe: crystals and reminders to calm the eff down. 😂
Got this sticker recently and it’s been a great addition to my work desk!
Lastly, some Pudge cuteness, like when she reluctantly tolerated joined me for some stretches!
…even though she’s more of a savasana gal. 🥰🥰