Hi friends! Thanks for stopping by—I’m so glad you’re here! 😁
Let’s see what brought the sparkle this week!
(FYI: I make a small commission for purchases or clicks made through links in this post.)
Ice cream on Father’s Day!
Really, the only thing Pops wanted to do on Father’s Day was go out for ice cream… and my initial responses confirmed that I am, in fact, an Old Lady:
“But… I just went out yesterday!”
“We can’t get ice cream, it’s not even 70 degrees!”
As you can see, I did eventually come around!
An extremely comfy jumpsuit! It arrived Saturday, and I have already worn it twice! I had some money off at Knix, and I made an EXCELLENT choice with this super soft modal number. 😍
Learning, especially about woo woo things! 🔮 I’ve been picking up bits and pieces about Human Design since last fall, and I find it pretty fascinating (but complex, geez). Sort of Spiritual’s free HD Bootcamp series was up this past week, and it was so fun to learn something new (and take notes! #ForeverNerd)! Finding out that I generate my own energy in the scheme of Human Design, that generating energy is a sign of alignment for me, has been an interesting thing to look for and lean into over the past year.
It’s especially fun to take notes when you have a cute notebook!
This IG story of mine resonating with people! (My social media presence is so erratic these days that I am positively delighted when people get something out of the things I post!)
I find myself enjoying a lot of Dr. Leah’s inner child posts!
I’ve had therapists model “reparenting” behavior for me before, but it never really made an impact until last fall—and I wonder if that’s because I was also reading Bethany Webster’s incredible book Discovering the Inner Mother at the time. Since then, the inner therapy room has been a great source of comfort. The ability to go inward when I feel scared and engage with my inner children, to give them the caring and attention they needed and couldn’t ask for back then, has been so helpful for my overall mental health.
I also realized somewhere along the way that I don’t respond well to tough love, and that was a real turning point. Like, if I feel comforted and brave when my therapist is calm and patient and gentle with me and my inner children, then yeah, maybe I really do need to treat myself kindly and gently too. 🤯🤯
Lastly, speaking of my inner children, 12 year old Jess was DELIGHTED by these two Heardles last week! 😂😂
What put the sparkle in your week? ✨
Happy Friday! xoxo