Hi friends! Thanks for stopping by—I’m so glad you’re here! 😁
Has this week been 20 days long for anyone else? It was not a great anxiety week for me, so I’m hoping I finally calm the eff down this weekend. But even in an anxious week, there was still some sparkle, so let’s talk about that!
(FYI: I make a small commission for purchases or clicks made through links in this post.)
I should know better than to go to Target after an emotional therapy session, but I needed coffee, and it’s always comforting to walk around Target (…until I get to the checkout line…). Something I definitely didn’t need but needed (ya know?) was this adorable plant sweatshirt! It was the only one, so I don’t think it was even in the right section, and when I rang it up, it was $5.00 off. Hooray! I wore it over the weekend and can confirm it is comfy and cozy (and a little bit oversized, so extra cozy!)!
Another cute thing worn this week: this adorable Callie Danielle shirt from her Valentine’s collection! A reminder that I need as much as anyone! 💖💖
I did watch a lot of the Super Bowl, though I watched it the way I watched most sports I’m not really into:
Somehow, I think this was my first time piloting a raft and WOW was it annoying.
I was surprisingly into it at times, though. Like, I actually cheered for the Eagles on several occasions—where did that come from? I guess if you’re from Philly, you can never just be a true looky-loo when Philly teams are in big games. I did at several points say, “Thank god I’m not really invested in this!” so my sincere condolences to everyone who actually cares. 😬🫶
CANNOT BELIEVE (and yet I can) that General Hospital is turning 60 this year!! I’ve been watching (on and off) since 1999, so I’m 24 years in myself, how the heck did that happen? It is wild that the kids of the characters I was watching in ‘99 are now the “teen scene.” Even though I don’t watch GH regularly, there’s something comforting about knowing that it’s always on and always “in season.” And that the same actors still populate Port Charles—I mean, geez, even super young ones like Haley Pullos and Eden McCoy have been on for like 10 years at this point. It’s comforting to immediately recognize most people no matter when you last watched. Sometimes you want to go where YOU know everybody’s name! 😂🏥
Lastly, it was quite warm (though rainy) yesterday, so I actually wrapped up work earlier than usual and got out of the house. 😮 What a treat to bop around a few stores on a school night!
I mean, if you’re already wearing pants that won’t show cat hair, you have to capitalize, right? 🤣🤣