Hi friends! Thanks for stopping by—I’m so glad you’re here! 😁
So, how do get through the week when it’s kind of a meh struggle? Because that’s been my week. I’ve been… bleh. Hormonal, sad, and out of it.
But I can say that my bevy of cute reminders and affirmations have helped (…as has having a Friday Favorites theme on a bleh week 😁)!
Of course, you have to find the messages and imagery that resonate with you, but here are a few of my faves:
(FYI: I make a small commission for purchases or clicks made through links in this post.)
Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, for when laughter is the best medicine:
This should be the millennial logo of life.
This adorable one needs to be in my face all the time, so it sits on my work desk. “Negative” feelings are only sort of sometimes okay to me now (😂), so this is a big one. Pairs nicely with my therapist’s calm messaging that “It’s okay to feel [fill-in-the-blank emotion].”
When I am really in the grip of panic and anxiety, I have to actively remind myself of the message on this sticker; that, while I may feel scared, I’m actually not in danger. My body and the present moment haven’t always felt like safe places to be, so I have found reminders of current safety—and agency—to be very comforting.
Pairs well with this fake plant from Target!
I recently added this Calm Strip to my laptop, and it has been a lovely little grounding tool to rub/pick at/fiddle with. (The fact that it’s not a traditional sticker, i.e. you can easily remove and reposition it, is the only reason I allowed it to grace my pristine laptop, ha!)
Guys, I am still so tired. I may not be okay until I get that hour back in the fall! 😂😬 But I also, once again, feel a lot of guilt around resting, so, vicious circle. This darling sticker just arrived this week, and I put it on my nightstand, so maybe I won’t spring out of bed in a panic just because I’m awake. (It’s kind of similar to the guilt/panic I had around rest back when I had covid in the fall. 🙃) Lack of sleep and my anxiety just do not mix.