To Sparkle Punch...

Checking in


Why hello there! I wanted to check in with you guys since it’s been, oh, almost a YEAR since my last post. Whoops!

2024 has been bananas. Let’s see… there’s been pneumonia (that I still have… 9 months later), several solo trips, a wedding and three funerals, a DBT intensive outpatient group (to learn more of these alleged “coping skills” therapists speak of 😅)…. Yes, my head is spinning too.

There was also another big change that I absolutely hate. (If you follow me on IG, you already know).

(TW: pet loss)

We lost our sweet Pudge in May. In the span of two days. Truly one of the most jarring, heartbreaking experiences of my life. Somehow, she had contracted meningitis—I didn’t even know that could happen to cats! One day, she was completely fine, and the next…. At least my dad and I were able to be there with her at the vet hospital when she passed. She was very out of it, but I hope she knew we were there.

Pudge had a hard little life. She was born with only three paws, had multiple owners, did at least one stint at the SPCA, and was an older lady when she came to live with us. And yet she was the sweetest, most pleasant little being. I take solace in the fact that she seemed very happy in her “retirement home” here, where she was absolutely adored 24/7 365. But the loss… oh lord. How do people deal with pet loss? Especially when it happens so suddenly? I’m “used to” this new normal now, I guess, but I also can’t move her little bed away from my work desk. I miss her all the time. My heart so longs for her sweet companionship and unconditional love… and the naps with a side of biscuits. I miss being her mom—that really sums it up, I guess. She was my baby. Thank goodness I started out cat-sitting her, because that gave us extra time together before she “moved in” here.


So, yeah. 2024 has been a wild ride. I don’t know how consistently I’ll be blogging, but I do miss the H54F posts and just chatting about fun things with you guys (and avoiding all this painful stuff 🙃)! So I hope I can get my act together to blog more than once every 9 months! 😂

How have you been? Let me know in the comments! (Also, if you have any tips for dealing with pet grief… 🙏🙏)
