Bah humbug, but that's too strong 'cause there are things that brought the sparkle to this last week before Christmas! It was truly an opportunity to sparkle punch, as another emergency sort of threw all holiday plans out the window. But luckily, I was off from work starting on Wednesday, so I was able to pitch in with cleaning and decorating... and also belt out Christmas songs and just try to enjoy the season. Even though nothing was going according to plan, I was able to keep a positive attitude, which is huge for someone who used to pout and panic about everything! I just kept reminding myself that the situation was unpredictable and all I could do was "go with the flow" (barf) and try to be supportive and helpful, you know? ANYWAY, here's what brought the sparkle this week:
- "Christmas Wrapping" and "Step into Christmas," two of my favorite Christmas songs since childhood, were in heavy rotation to set a cheerful holiday mood!
As that screenshot suggests, this video is 👌👌.
- I tackled a few driving challenges this week! First, I drove in the "snow" (ok, so it was really more like slush by the time I got out there, but I was still able--and willing!--to drive in it)! And then it was insanely foggy when I had to drive back home, so I got to cross that off my New Driver Bingo too!
- Reading the Blogger Christmas Cheer Exchange posts last Friday night was so delightful! I loved seeing the gifts that everyone got, while also "meeting" some new blogger friends! Appropriately enough, an adorable card from Bri (my Secret Santa) arrived last Friday too!
Nothing says "Merry Christmas" like a sparkly penguin in a hat!
Also, if you want to see what I got my Secret Santa Audrey, you can check out her post here!
- In the "What the What" files, I went to a meditation gathering on Sunday. (All together now: "What the what?!") Until a few weeks ago, I was totally terrified at the thought of sitting still and focusing on my breathing. But I've actually been willing to try it lately, so I went to this meditation event, where not only did I have to sit quietly and focus on my breathing, but I also didn't know that many people. Eek! But I had a great time! Meditating AND socializing?! In one day? Truly a major accomplishment. :)
- Our Christmas tree and decorations are up, thanks in part to the cleaning and decorating binge on Thursday! The tree smells so amazing, and all the decorations and lights bring so much cheer to our little house. 💕
Truly a sparkle punch Christmas!
(Clearly, we inherited a ton of awesome decorations from my grandmother!)
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and are able to find the good even when things go awry (which can be so frustrating at this time of year). xoxo