To Sparkle Punch...

December 2016 budget


Last December, I was totally horrified to add up my spending and see just how much I had spent on clothing and accessories in 2015. This December, I'm not horrified at all... because I cut my 2015 total IN HALF (actually, more than half!)! I spent $2,768 in 2015 and $1,142 in 2016, a difference of $1,626! That's crazy!!

If you're looking to cut back on your spending, here are two things that helped me:

  1. Reprioritizing. Getting a car (and all of the expenses that go with it) sort of forced me into this, but you simply can't shop as much if most of your disposable income has been reallocated.
  2. Keeping last year's spending total posted where I could see it (like on my white board and on my computer), as a reminder of what I was trying to avoid doing this year.

I'm so proud of myself! High-five, 2016 Jess! 🎉

As for this month (which is included in the 2016 total above), here's what I bought: 

  1. SOLO Mio Sonic Face Cleaner and Massager Brush (Amazon): $38
  2. LuLaRoe leggings: $25
  3. LipSense Lip Balm: $20
  4. DevaCurl Travel Size Ultra Hold Gel (Ulta): $10 - coupon = $8

TOTAL: $91

I had been toying with the idea of getting a sonic cleanser for awhile. For some reason, the idea of a cleansing brush like the Clarisonic kind of weirds me out, so I was drawn to a silicone device like the Foreo Luna. But that's $100+ (oy), so I was hesitant to pull the trigger... until I stumbled upon a similar one with great reviews on Amazon for less than $40! Sold! I've never used a device like this before, so I'm curious to see how my skin reacts to it.

After my initial LuLaRoe binge in September, I hadn't been too excited by any pattern I'd seen since. But I legit freaked over these leggings. Yellow umbrellas?! "One ticket to Farhampton, please!" 💛

The LipSense Lip Balm was finally back in stock this month, and I'm loving it! It makes my lips feel so soft and is a great alternative for days when I just can't be bothered to put on lipstick.

And the DevaCurl gel was just something I needed to get more of. 😴

Linking up with Fran's Budgeting Bloggers!