Here we go, the last week of the year. (YIKES.) What put the sparkle into my lazy holiday week?
- Even though I think I'm allergic to it (wah), I've been loving our Christmas tree! As soon as I step into the living room, I just have to turn on the lights for maximum festiveness!
- Christmas Day was pretty low-key (aside from mourning George Michael 😩), complete with some Love Actually and comfy Christmas leggings!
I got some awesome gifts, including cat slippers, cozy (purple!) sheets, and a Neko Atsume plushie of my own!
- On Monday, I was reunited with Timmi for copious snacking, puppy-snuggling, and movie-watching! (I successfully coerced her into watching the The Mighty Ducks for the first time and can only hope that "cake eater" factors into her future snaps of The Great British Bake Off.) How freakin' cute are these lapel pins she got me for Christmas?! I still can't get over the Polly Pocket one!
- I celebrated the most important holiday of them all this week: Catsmas! I got some more bumps and rubs from Calico Pinky aka Edie on Friday! Just looking at her sweet little face makes me want to squeal incoherently.
I'm sexy and I know it.
Then on Christmas, I got to hang out with my aunt's two crazy cats! One had a grand time trying invade a giant gift bag, while the other went bonkers for the catnip carrots I got them!
Before annnd after the bag fell on her.
- Since I've been off all week, I've gotten to do some out-of-the-ordinary things, like going to TJ Maxx on a Tuesday afternoon and finding the decorative tiered organizer of my dreams!
I usually dread New Year's Eve, but I am so ready to say goodbye to 2016. Here's to a sparkly start to 2017! xo