I hope your week had some sparkle! Here’s what put the ✨ in mine:
Somehow, Pops convinced me to stay up and watch when World Series game 3 went into extra innings last Friday night. Since it wasn’t a weeknight, and I thought the game would go til maybe midnight, sure, why not?
HAHAHAHAHA IT WENT TIL 3:30 AM. OH OK. Pops, lover of all things Cali, is pro-Dodgers, so I was cheering for them too, and after about 1:30 AM, I had to pace whenever the Red Sox were up—I WAS SO STRESSED. Thank god the Dodgers won! Even though they ended up losing the series, I don’t think I could have handled them losing that game!
God bless you, Max Muncy!
Is anyone else pumped for Bohemian Rhapsody?! Seeing the commercials has got me listening to a lot of Queen, especially their iconic performance at Live Aid. My parents taped Live Aid off the TV when it originally aired, and I watched it in high school while working on a research paper about U2 (who also had an iconic performance there). I was mesmerized by Freddie Mercury dancing with the microphone stand during “Radio GaGa.” So if you’ve never seen it, you’re welcome!
I’m starting to realize that I will do fun things (or just basic things, like leaving the house) on the weekend if I give myself chill time too. My introvert self really needs that balance. So after this past Saturday got away from me, thanks to getting out of bed at 11:30 (see above) and then having family stuff at night, I gave myself Sunday to regroup at home—get the wash done, get myself organized for the week etc.—but I also lit a fun candle (who even am I??) and took Days breaks so it didn’t feel like a total grind.
I had a delightful fall morning on Tuesday! My one therapist’s office is tucked away in the cutest neighborhood, so after therapy, I walked around and soaked up some of the beautiful foliage! Somewhere over the past few years, I’ve become a fall person—didn't see that one coming! And then I stopped at Starbucks on the way home and picked up a PSL. I’m not their biggest fan, but I do need 1-2 a year in celebration of the season! #basic
Lastly, you might recall that, in August, I set out to document my daily outfits, as I have for the past three Augusts. But some stuff happened this August that brought up a ton of anxiety and emotion, and I just couldn’t post cute, smiley Instagram pictures when I was dying inside. (I did eventually start commenting on my emotional state in my Instagram posts, but that wasn’t exactly an enjoyable exercise either.) I just wanted to speed up time so that things would hurt less. Well, here we are, two months later, and that bad stuff hurts way less. I feel like I’m dealing with a normal, non-incapacitating level of anxiety these days. When I was in it, I thought it would never end, but hey, here I am. “This too shall pass,” I guess. Anyway, here’s one of my favorite pics from the second half of Outfit Documentation August (aka October!)!
Hope you have a great weekend and had a great Halloween! (My super health-conscious dad ate a fun-size Snickers AND a mini Baby Ruth, so it was a wild time here! 😂) xo