Happy Friday! Let’s see what brought the sparkle this week!
- Saturday night was the Halloween party I’d mentioned a few weeks back, and my “brilliant” Halloween costume idea was a huge success! I enlisted my friend Russell to be the Inspector Gadget to my Penny! I’m pretty dang happy with how it turned out! Cheap eBay trench coat ftw!
We also made some pretty sweet props! (Sidenote that Penny was WAY ahead of her time—she basically had an Apple Watch and an iPad in the ‘80s!)
Possibly the most unique usage of Gretchen Rubin’s Better Than Before! 😂😂
- Also on Saturday, I busted out my DSLR and took some pictures of pretty leaves! (One of my November goals! ✔️) Pops accompanied me, thinking we were going on an actual walk and not a “stop and gawk”—whoops! #PoorPops
- Speaking of goals, you might have noticed that I’ve been very meh with my goals posts for the past few months. I don’t know what my deal is, but I just am not excited about those posts right now. I do still want to set some small goals though... enter Instagram. I shared a few goals for October on there on a whim last month, and it really did help, so I’m back at it this month! Also, Gretchen Rubin liked this post!! (If she only knew I turned her book into a “computer”! 😂)
- I’m staying with my beloved Pudgie Princess for a few days! Look at this precious angel I’M DYING. (Also from cat dander, tragically. WHY WON’T MY BODY LET ME LIVE MY BEST LIFE? 😭😭)
Working hard, or hardly working?
- Lastly, this has definitely been the song of the week. It’s so ridiculously catchy. And it was apparently the B-side to “Last Christmas,” so if that doesn’t sell you on it (besides the fact that it’s, you know, WHAM!), I don’t know what will! Go ahead—choose life.
Hope you have a great weekend! xo