To Sparkle Punch...

High Five for Friday: November 8


Well, friends, this week has been much better than last week! Here’s what brought the sparkle:

  • My anxiety has largely stabilized! Because some big changes were the trigger, in therapy this week, we’ve been exploring how change can send me spiraling into overwhelm and panic, and how I can potentially change my negative relationship to those feelings.

    This picture is from Monday and marked a big change from last Monday’s crying and not eating (and walking around the block at 8 PM)!

I need to internalize this lesson someday! 😂

I need to internalize this lesson someday! 😂

  • On Friday night, I went to my first Recovery Yoga class in months and months. You can always tell when my anxiety is awful because I start going to more yoga classes than usual, haha! Recovery Yoga is pretty cool—before practicing yoga together, the teacher provides a reading and we’re allowed to share what it provokes in us. Initially, I thought “recovery yoga” was limited to addiction issues, which I thankfully do not have, but this studio at least opens it up to people in recovery for all kinds of things: trauma, anxiety and depression, eating disorders, etc. It’s great! And one of my favorite teachers happened to be subbing on Friday, which was such a treat!

  • I woke up pretty early on Sunday (thanks, time change!), so I just stayed all cozy in bed and watched some more Dawson's Creek, wherein Pacey delivered this truth bomb:

  • Then we went to a family lunch, featuring these delish donuts! And I drove a new (terrifying) route so I could go to my usual trauma-sensitive yoga class directly after—see what I mean about the emphasis on yoga? I was originally going to skip yoga because of the lunch, but in light of my anxiety last week, I was just like NOPE GIMME ALL THE YOGA!

  • Lastly, the music from Mario 64 has been the soundtrack to my work week, haha. What a staple of my childhood! As a kid, I never realized that this song incorporates the Underground Theme! I love when games weave in music from past games! #nerdalert

What put the sparkle in your week?

Hope you have a great weekend! xo
