To Sparkle Punch...

March 2020 Budget


It’s so weird to be talking about what I bought during a time of national emergency… but I’m also trying to keep things normal here on the blog, and it’s Budget Post time, so here were are. I picked up a few things in early March, pre-“stay at home” order, but since then, I have quit shopping cold turkey. Have you guys been shopping online? I’m having a hard time justifying bringing anything un-essential into the house!

Here’s what I got when life was still normal:

  1. Teleties (Target): $8

  2. Ryka Devotion Plus 2 Sneakers (DSW): $70 - coupon = $60

  3. Dr. Pawpaw Tinted Lip Balm (Amazon): $7

  4. Colourpop So Juicy Lip Gloss (Ulta): $9

TOTAL: $84

I’ve tried several different brands of the phone-cord-esque hair ties and never liked them. They were usually too tight on my wrist but not tight enough in my hair. So I’m not really sure what possessed me to impulse-buy Teleties at my last trip to Target (😭), but alas, I did, and I love them? Even though I have very thick hair, I believe I got the “small” size, and they have been great! They’re thinner than other phone cord ties I’ve tried, and they feel more secure in my hair, even though they’re also a bit stretched now, which makes them more comfortable on the wrist. Bonus that they come in lots of fun colors! Definitely recommend.

I’m really glad that I picked up a more supportive sneaker just in time for all the walking I’m now doing! The Ryka sneakers are very comfy and plushy—initially, they felt slightly like a walking boot, like a similar rocking motion. Apparently, they have some sort of special technology that’s supposed to lessen the impact on your feet, which sounds great to me—I broke my foot a few years ago, and that foot can still be temperamental from time to time.

Honestly, I haven’t worn the lip glosses a ton since I haven’t been going anywhere! The Dr. Paw Paw is fine but a bit thin. The Colourpop gloss is pretty good (and very minty!), but it can be a bit too thick and sticky sometimes. I feel like Goldilocks, haha! It’s a good thing that I’m not shopping, because I would probably just be stress-buying lip gloss, aka my fave thing to buy.

Have you guys been shopping online? What did you pick up in March?