Hi guys, happy Friday! I’m not really sure what to do with these posts now that literally nothing is going on. But I also like having this space so I can drop in weekly and say hi, so here we are!
How was your week? Mine was actually quite lovely, aside from an anxiety attack on Thursday night. 🙃 Pops has been out of the house a lot this week, and as much as I love Pops, having some alone time after two months of 24/7 togetherness has been MAGICAL AND MINDBLOWING. And all I’m doing is working and playing Harvest Moon, haha. (Although EXCITING HM NEWS: I got a new lamb and actually gave it a creative name: BaaBaa O’Riley! 😂) Oh, and I went on a few walks and saw some pretty flowers! My mom and Kristin’s mom unknowingly tag-teamed and convinced me to get one of those apps that can identify plants. (They’re usually my go-to plant people, but I’ve been stumping them lately.) So I might actually be able to identify the flowers/plants I post about now! Like, this is spiraea. Who knew?!
At least I knew this was a rhododendron. (Okay, or azalea. One of the two!)
How was your week? Hope it had some sparkle, and I hope you have a great weekend! xoxo